Witch Hunter Robin : Arrival (Vol. 1) with Series Box and Collectables
In a world where witches abuse their supernatural powers, a special team is tasked with hunting this new threat to society. This organization is known as the STNJ, a secret organization that captures, rather than kills, witches. It is composed of several highly skilled craft users and experts in covert operations. The typically mismatched crew includes hacker Michael Lee, rookie Haruto Sakaki, psychic Miho Karasuma, Yurika Dojima, the spoiled daughter of a prominent family, and icily aloof Amon, the de facto leader of the team. Raised in an Italian convent, 16-year-old Robin Sana returns to her native Japan to join the STNJ. As a 'craft user', Robin can conjure fire as a weapon, but has some trouble with her aim. Her mysterious gift to summon deadly flames will determine the fates of her colleagues and lead her into a dark world of mystique and witchcraft!