Hyper Police on video at AnimeBathHouse.com. Set in a vivid, post-apocalyptic Japan, that includes humans, monsters, and humanoid animals living in an uneasy coexistence. The adventures of crafty futuristic Police Company cops. Hyper Police
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Hyper Police : Episodes 1-4

Set in a vivid, post-apocalyptic Japan, that includes humans, monsters, and humanoid animals living in an uneasy coexistence. The adventures of crafty futuristic Police Company cops, the skilled and deadly bounty hunter Natsuhime Sasawara, a cunning blend of human and futuristic demon cat, who protects the laws of humans and monsters and Sakura, a Nine-Tail Fox, who is striving to achieve new magical powers. They see the balance of law and order torn apart by a botched assassination attempt, the arrival of a young female apprentice, and financial peril for their employer. Blast into the future with this fast paced combination of science fiction, cop thriller, monster mayhem, and comical fantasy.

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